A year ago in September, Google removed some of the data you could see in your search terms reports as a privacy measure. So instead of seeing all the queries for which you appeared, you could only see those that reached a certain volume. 

Now, they’ve restored some of those queries to the report. 

This year in early September, Google announced that it would include in your search term reports any search terms that pulled in impressions but no clicks.

It doesn’t give you all the query data you once had, but the update may help you identify a few more relevant keyword themes to help optimize your ad copy and landing pages.

Why is search term data so important? 

Back before Google restricted the scope of search term reports, search advertisers could see pretty much every query that generated a click or an impression for their ads. That data was and is essential to:

  • Identifying new search terms to add to your keyword lists

  • Building negative keyword lists to avoid appearing for irrelevant or harmful terms

  • Identify the best match type for particular keywords

While Google still provides less search term data than they once did, Adthena can close the gap for you.

Fill in the blanks with Adthena data

With the Adthena search intelligence platform, you can access a world of search term intelligence you can’t get anywhere else. Adthena data doesn’t rely on Google reporting or Google’s Search Term Report as a data resource. Rather, we use our own machine-learning model to generate relevant terms for you on a daily basis. 

Adthena shows you the most profitable search terms in your market, less profitable and irrelevant search terms to avoid, those to put on your negative keywords list and more. 

We can help you understand how you can efficiently spend your budget across search term groups to maximize conversions and reach the correct audiences. And if you find Google’s Auction Insights and Location reports to be frustrating, you’ll find Adthena tools to be refreshingly clear. 

Adthena can help you see relevant metrics across all your locations in one platform and with location-level granularity for every search term group. You can also monitor changes and trends, such as if a competitor enters the market, runs a new promotion, or starts bidding more aggressively.

“Adthena gives you unmatched competitor insight. The platform permits you to see which competitors are bidding on which of your terms and where they are generating traffic from sources that you do not cover.” 

Johnny W, CMO. Read all of our G2 reviews here.

Google data will come and go, but Adthena has you covered

To learn more about how Adthena can help you improve your search performance with data you can’t get elsewhere, request a demo here.