PPC Market Share

Understand your PPC Market Share and see who's winning in your market

Adthena’s PPC Market Share reveals competitor activity, spend, and key metrics on what’s driving their market positioning. Benchmark, identify growth areas, and optimize campaigns to dominate your competition.

Go beyond auction insights

Unlock data-driven paid search strategies

Reveal your competitors’ paid search secrets with Adthena. Market Share goes beyond Google’s Auction Insights, revealing everything from top spenders to hidden players. See competitor activity, volume, and market share in one place so you can craft data-driven strategies.

Gain unprecedented visibility and dominate with Adthena's Market Share

Adthena's Market Share empowers search marketers with a holistic view of the competitive landscape. See everything affecting competitor market positioning across paid text ads, organic and PLA, on both mobile and desktop.

Go beyond Auction Insights See beyond Google’s Auction Insights by revealing competitor activity, spend, and key metrics that drive their market positioning.
Uncover hidden opportunities Analyze search terms competitors appear on, estimated impressions based on search volume, and average position to identify keyword gaps and optimize your strategy.
Benchmark your performance Gain insights into competitor click and spend share to understand your market position and identify areas for improvement.
Make data-driven decisions Leverage comprehensive competitor data to inform your keyword strategy, bidding decisions, and overall campaign optimization.

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See Market Share in action

Analyze impressions, share of clicks, and spend for each competitor, allowing you to filter by group, competitor, search term, or device for a highly granular view.

Pretty Little Thing drives a 47% increase in market share

Search is the channel we rely on to drive lower-funnel decisions that bring in new revenue. With Adthena’s data, we were able to increase share and appeal to our trendy, fashion-forward customers who are already in the market for our products

Matt Holmes, Head of Digital Marketing, Pretty Little Thing

Is Adthena right for your brand?

Adthena’s paid search intelligence is a perfect fit for enterprise brands and agencies with a Google Ads spend of over 40k per country, per month. Typically, our customers are experiencing a similar set of challenges. 

  • Reached a ceiling on how many conversions they can drive without sacrificing margin.
  • Cannibalizing organic traffic and wasting budget on traffic they don’t need to be.
  • Struggling to contextualize performance.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Market Share provides an unparalleled view of your competitive landscape in paid search. It goes beyond limited data by revealing competitor activity, spend, and key metrics that drive their market positioning. This lets you benchmark your performance, identify hidden growth areas, and optimize campaigns to dominate the competition.

  • Market Share provides a comprehensive view of all your competitors across paid and organic search. You can analyze impressions, share of clicks, and spend for each competitor. Additionally, powerful filtering by group, competitor, search term, or device allows for a highly granular view.

  • Adthena’s solution is ideal for enterprise brands and agencies with a significant Google Ads spend (typically over 40k per month). These companies often face challenges like reaching conversion ceilings, cannibalization of organic traffic, and difficulties contextualizing performance. Market Share empowers them to overcome these hurdles and achieve paid search dominance.