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Ready to see Adthena in action?

Go beyond what Google Ads shows you with AI-powered paid search intelligence.

  • Unlock competitor analysis and stay on top of market trends.
  • Safeguard your brand from rivals capitalizing on your brand’s equity.
  • Automate and save on brand bidding.

Worldwide customer success

Adthena is proud to deliver award-winning search intelligence solutions to 300+ enterprise brands and agencies across the globe.

Our customers

Is Adthena right for your brand?

Adthena’s paid search intelligence is a perfect fit for enterprise brands and agencies with a Google Ads spend of over 40k per country, per month. Typically, our customers are experiencing a similar set of challenges. 

  • Reached a ceiling on how many conversions they can drive without sacrificing margin.
  • Cannibalizing organic traffic and wasting budget on traffic they don’t need to be.
  • Struggling to contextualize performance.

Adthena personalized demo

What to expect next

We keep this as simple and personalized as possible. Here are the typical steps you can expect as we get you prepared for your demo and beyond.

Step 1: Introductory call
Your local, dedicated search consultant sets up a quick call to understand your current PPC pains, campaign structures, and bidding strategies.

Step 2: 1:1 Personalized demo
During the live demo, we’ll walk you through how Adthena can solve your pains using live data that you are familiar with.

We’ll be there to answer any questions and get you set up on the platform.

Ready to go?

Talk to our experts

Our experienced paid search consultants will show you how Adthena can drive more value from your PPC budget by lowering CPCs, increasing conversions, and dramatically improving returns on advertising spend.

Get started

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Paid search intelligence is your secret weapon for paid search campaigns. It uses data analysis to unlock insights about your campaigns, competitor strategies, and market trends. This intel helps you optimize your bids, target the right keywords, craft winning ad copy, and even identify sneaky ad hijacking. Ultimately, paid search intelligence empowers you to make smarter decisions and maximize your return on investment (ROI).

  • Google Auction Insights offer basic competitor data, but Adthena goes deeper. It reveals competitor ad copy, budgets, and historical trends. You’ll also find hidden competitors and actionable insights based on market trends, unlike Auction Insights’ static data. Adthena even helps with brand protection and offers advanced features like market share analysis, making it a powerful tool for outperforming competitors in paid search.

  • While SEMrush offers a broad digital marketing toolkit and Similarweb focuses on website traffic analysis, Adthena excels in paid search intelligence. Adthena gives deep insights into competitor strategies, helps with brand protection, and offers advanced bidding features. SEMrush is a good option for beginners or those who need all-in-one solutions, while Similarweb shines in website traffic sources and audience demographics. Consider your needs: If you’re a mid-sized or large company with a big paid search budget, Adthena’s in-depth PPC analysis might be the best fit.

    Learn more about our competitors.

  • Adthena’s AI platform uses a vast dataset to give you a complete picture of your paid search landscape. It combines machine learning to find relevant search terms, daily data collection to track trends, and custom AI models to categorize terms and identify new opportunities. 

    Data is processed daily, including competitor info, search volume, and estimated costs, to give you actionable insights and answer your complex questions through our AI chatbot, Arlo.

    Learn more about our data.


  • Adthena’s AI platform uses a vast dataset to give you a complete picture of your paid search landscape. It combines machine learning to find relevant search terms, daily data collection to track trends, and custom AI models to categorize terms and identify new opportunities. 

    Data is processed daily, including competitor info, search volume, and estimated costs, to give you actionable insights and answer your complex questions through our AI chatbot, Arlo.

    Learn more about our data.